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Libcec: add dbus method to check if cec is supported

Aditya Mehra requested to merge work/check_cec_supported_dbus_method into master
  • Adds a method to check if CEC is supported on TV, checks for Power Status of libcec, if HDMI-CEC is enabled and available by the TV, libcec will set current status to CEC_POWER_STATUS_ON or if its unavailable it will be set to CEC_POWER_STATUS_UNKNOWN. Method is to be utilized by the KCM and Pico-Wizard to check if HDMI-CEC is really available for the device before entering configuration mode.

  • Generate the DBus XML interface file manually for now without depending on "qt5_generate_dbus_interface" cmake method which seems to be not working and causing builds to fail on install, This DBus XML interface file only needs to be generated if any methods are added to the ceccontroller

Merge request reports