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Draft: Driving mode

Hank Strange requested to merge greenbeast/spacebar:driving-mode into master

My SIM slot on my PPPro is broken so I can't test if this really works. The changes are essentially adding in a drivingMode boolean to the settingsmanager.kcfg which is then controlled by the Driving Mode checkbox in the Settings page. That boolean is then checked when saveMessage is called in handleIncomingMessage. Ideally what it should be doing is seeing that driving mode is false so then it doesn't call saveMessage and doesn't then create a notification.

I originally had the boolean in saveMessage (see my original commit) but then notifications weren't working no matter what.

I think what would be nice is to have a notification triggered when Driving Mode is turned on so then the user doesn't forget about it. I'm not really sure how to do that though.

Any advice or guidance is welcome! P.S. This is my first time using C++ in several years so if I botched this, I apologize in advance.

Merge request reports