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  • Nate Graham's avatar
    [applet] Show toolbar unless Bluetooth hardware is absent · 5b0b2a74
    Nate Graham authored
    While testing other bluedevil patches, I was finding that the toolbar showing and hiding
    itself when bluetooth is turned on and off was feeling a bit weird to me. This patch
    makes the toolbar always visible as long as a Bluetooth adapter is present; effectively
    this means that the toolbar no longer disappears when bluetooth is disabled. Instead,
    the toolbar remains visible but its controls are all disabled.
    If nobody likes this, I can drop it, but wanted to present the idea. If we like this,
    I would propose doing the same for other applets with toolbars so that they aren't
    appearing and disappearing so much.
    Test Plan: {F8255623}
    Reviewers: #vdg, niccolove, manueljlin
    Reviewed By: #vdg, manueljlin
    Subscribers: broulik, plasma-devel
    Tags: #plasma
    Maniphest Tasks: T10470
    Differential Revision: