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Draft: Reduce ScrollView content margins

Ismael Asensio requested to merge work/iasensio/scrollview-margins into master

Do not set extra margins that add up to the plasmoid margins. This is specially noticeable when the scrollbar is shown.


Set them though on top, to have a separation from the header and on the right when scrollbar is visible.

bt-margins-before bt-margins-after
bt-scrollbar-before bt-scrollbar-after

WIP since to match the plasmoid margins, we should extract them from the plasma theme. Should this be done in a more general way instead, maybe in PlasmaExtras.Representation, or add some helper unit in Plasma.Units or Plasma.Theme?

This also applies to other plasmoids using ScrollView (clipboard, audio, ...)

CC: @teams/vdg @carlschwan @fusionfuture

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