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  • Noah Davis's avatar
    kstyle: Add QFocusFrame to non-view/delegate interactive widget · 586e7462
    Noah Davis authored
    There are 2 parts that contain the bulk of the code in this patch.
    Style::event() is used to apply the QFocusFrame to a widget when it gets
    focus with a keyboard input related focus reason. If the focused widget
    has a focusProxy, this makes sure the QFocusFrame is applied to the
    focusProxy instead.
    Style::drawFocusFrame() is mostly what you'd expect. It draws a focus
    frame based on the type of widget the QFocusFrame was applied to. I had
    to do a workaround for QFocusFrame not fully repainting ouside the
    bounds of QSliders and QDials when the handle moves though. What I do is
    check if `_focusFrame` is defined and then `_focusFrame->update()`.
    BUG: 443469