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  • ivan tkachenko's avatar
    kstyle: Fix class name to fix indeterminate progress bars animations · 8d88a824
    ivan tkachenko authored
    The Breeze implementation is older than qqc2-desktop-style framework,
    and historically it used to use different base class. Times has
    changed, along with base classes; but Breeze code did not -- instead
    the problem was workarounded on a org.kde.desktop side first with a
    dummy Timer that called updateItem(), then through more sophisticated
    QtQuick Animations types (which delivered smoother results thanks to
    being bound to refresh rate of a screen).
    While this patch fixes the problem, it seems like a better solution
    should be possible or more cleanup opportunities are available:
    1. no other breeze animations invoke methods through QMetaObject system;
    2. why and how an object would be something other than KQuickStyleItem?