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kstyle: adjust menu adjustments

Jan Blackquill requested to merge work/janb/menu-metrics-adjustments into master

explanation of adjustments:

  • decreased submenu popup delay brings time for submenu down to 100ms range, which is generally considered instantaneous-feeling. it being non-zero means that they'll only show up when the user actively pauses on an item.
  • unidirection: makes sloppiness tolerance (triangle filter) only apply on submenus when the pointer is going towards the submenu. this allows ups to make the sloppy close timeout larger without making submenus feel like they're lagging to close if the user isn't going towards them.
  • failcount, selectotheractions, clsoetimeout are being set to increase tolerance of user mouse movements.
  • keyboard search allows the user to hop to an item in the menu by typing its name, presented pretty much identically to the same functionality you get by typing in a dolphin view.

Merge request reports