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Use "drag from Tools Area" by default, not entire window

Nate Graham requested to merge ngraham/breeze:drag-minimal into master

Currently Breeze allows you to drag the window from all empty parts of window backgrounds that are not scrollable content views. This has caused some problems over time, especially with control-dense apps that have draggable controls on non-scrollable areas.

Ever since we introduced the "Tools Area" style that visually unifies the titlebar, menubar, and toolbar, there's a natural visually distinct area to grab if you want to drag the window around.

Let's change this setting so that you can only grab on a part of the Tools Area to drag the window. This preserves a large drag area but eliminates usability problems associated with making other areas draggable.

FEATURE: 487681 FIXED-IN: 6.2

@teams/usability @teams/vdg

Merge request reports