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  • Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen's avatar
    Forward installer update error (so user is informed of their options) · 44e73b4e
    Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen authored
    As discovered by Piotr, attempting to update some KNewStuff originated
    packages in Discover results in the update not in fact being updated,
    without anything happening in Discover apart from the update just
    staying around in the UI. This patch forwards an error from
    KNSCore::Engine which gives some further information as to what the user
    can do to perform this update.
    This is a half-solution to the problem, as the TODO added in here
    suggests, but it seems to me better to be explicit about the problem to
    our users, rather than just not doing anything, and informing them how
    they can fix it themselves. Until we have a full query system for
    Discover's transactions, this seems likely to be the best we can do (and
    actually implementing that system will take some time to get right, and
    we don't want to just ignore the problem until them).