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  • Nate Graham's avatar
    Polish Notifier Plasmoid's UI · ee062be1
    Nate Graham authored
    This patch implements the following changes to Discover's Update Notifier plasmoid:
    - Improve the layout of the controls within the window
    - Update the button text to reflect what it will actually do (the previous text was misleading since it did not in fact perform the updates; it just opened Discover)
    - Update the tooltip text to be clearer
    - Give the button an icon to match its plasmoid icon
    Test Plan:
    Reviewers: apol, #discover_software_store, #vdg
    Reviewed By: apol, #discover_software_store
    Subscribers: fabianr, esedgh, broulik, abetts, plasma-devel
    Tags: #plasma
    Differential Revision: