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appstream: make OARS intensity text more friendly to translators

Fushan Wen requested to merge work/fuf/oars-text into master

Content can be whatever content. Sentences like "Mild content" "Moderate content" and "Intense Content" are hard to be translated to other languages that is n.ot very similar to English.

For example, in Ukrainine, the translator translated the 3 sentences into:

  1. Mild content -> Образливий вміст -> Offensive content
  2. Moderate content -> Помірний вміст -> Moderate content
  3. Intense content -> Ексцентричний вміст -> Eccentric Content

In Russian, the translator apparently completely gave up the original sentences and translated the meanings of the 3 sentences instead.

  1. С некоторыми ограничениями -> With some restrictions
  2. Со значительными ограничениями -> With significant restrictions
  3. С максимальными ограничениями" -> With maximum restrictions

In Korean, I don't know what the translator was thinking when translating the 3 sentences...

  1. 부드러운 콘텐츠 -> soft content ???
  2. 보통 콘텐츠 -> normal content
  3. 강력한 콘텐츠 -> powerful content ???

From the 3 examples above we can see the original 3 sentences are difficult to be translated to other languages. gnome-software uses "Mild or Infrequent use of Profanity" "Moderate Use of Profanity" and "Strong or Frequent Use of Profanity" to represent the 3 levels of intensity, which are much more intuitive to be translated.

Edited by Fushan Wen

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