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flatpak: Check if error is null before trying to log a message

Joshua Goins requested to merge work/redstrate/fix-flatpak-error into master

Apparently this callback can return a nullable error, but it's not listed in the docs.

As we can see in the backtrace, error is null (for whatever reason):

#4  0x00007fd9f81a65cb in operation_error_cb (error=0x0, user_data=0x558a93b29dd0) at /usr/src/debug/discover-5.27.7/libdiscover/backends/FlatpakBackend/FlatpakTransactionThread.cpp:65

Not sure if this will fix the root cause for the poor NVIDIA update, but it should stop Discover from crashing at least. Should be backported to 5.27.

BUG: 473497

Merge request reports
