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Dependencies: Rework OverlaySheet with the list of dependencies

ivan tkachenko requested to merge work/ratijas/dependencies-sheet into master
  • Port the whole thing to pragma ComponentBehavior: Bound, meaning no magical injected contexts are allowed in delegates;
  • Create an overlay sheet on demand, reducing startup cost and time;
  • Give an overlay sheet focus: there is not much to interact with via keyboard, but at least the focus isn't left behind, and it fixes the Escape key to close the sheet;
  • Set implicit height to the estimated contentHeight, but do it in a smart way which doesn't cause back-and-forth loops when the ListView changes estimations as user scrolls away from a differently-sized section delegate;
  • Drop QML import versions, add import aliases;



Example of a glitched ListView when implicitHeight: contentHeight is left bound directly without this workaround:


Edited by ivan tkachenko

Merge request reports
