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  • Harald Sitter's avatar
    Add a integration test suite and fix a signal connect bug when attaching reports · 0be88d74
    Harald Sitter authored
    - Fix radios' updating UI as they are toggling not buttonclicking :(
    - add a cmdline option to enable bringing up the dialog directly. in a testing scenario it makes sense to skip the notification popup thing and go directly to the dialog
    - new env var DRKONQI_KDE_BUGZILLA_URL to override the bugzilla url. for testing purposes we'll want to change the bugzilla url to point to a double instance but otherwise not impact functionality of drkonqi
    - new env var DRKONQI_IGNORE_QUALITY to bypass trace quality checks. during testing a proper trace may not be creatable, setting the env var allows bypassing the quality constraints
    - set a11y names on text inputs to facilitate a11y enablement (also allows finding them through at-spi for testing purposes ;))
    add an integration test based on xvfb+dbus+at-spi
    - suite wrapper program isolates the environment a bit,
      starts a xvfb instance and runs a session bus
      inside, then starts the actual tests from inside the isolated environment
    - duplicate_attach_test.rb starts an xmlrpc server, a defunct ruby, and
      a drkonqi to trace the defunct ruby. it then uses at-spi to massage the
      drkoknqi GUI into attaching a new trace to a bug via xmlrpc server.
    - the xmlrpc server partially falls through to but mostly
      doubles for bugzilla
    fix a connect bug when attaching a new trace to an existing report
    Test Plan:
    `make test` should™ run the integration test assuming requirements are met (ruby+atspi+xmlrpc+xvfb-run).
    `XEPHYR=1 make test` will run the test through xephyr rather than xvfb, which is somewhat more useful for test writing and debugging.
    Reviewers: #plasma, mart
    Reviewed By: #plasma, mart
    Subscribers: plasma-devel
    Tags: #plasma
    Differential Revision: