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  • Harald Sitter's avatar
    fix API availability/version detection to not be terribly racey · e6a81b2d
    Harald Sitter authored
    previously at a random point in time there'd be a call to get the bugzilla
    version, that call would (hopefully) reach the login page and cause it
    allow login. this is essentially a blocking safe guard to not talk to
    unsupported or unreachable bugzillas. because this was entirely
    synchronized there was great potential for signal and state racing
    where the login page could randomly end up with a disabled login
    button when the api communication failed for whatever reason.
    this was further complicated by the fact that there was zero UI backing
    for the entire check resulting in the login button getting disabled but
    the user not having any indication as to why or any means to retry.
    to resolve this problem a bunch of changes are necessary:
    - bugzillalib now has an error signal when the version check fails
      (previously not having received a finished signal meant error, when in
       fact that may also mean not-yet-done)
    - buzillalib also no longer automatically issues a version lookup as it
      itself has no use of knowing the version right now
    - the login page logic has had all awareness of bugzilla availability
      stripped. the assumption now is that when login is reached bugzilla
      could be contacted.
    - there is a new 'version' page now sorted before the login page. the
      version page's only use is to provide a UI for the version check or
      more generally if bugzilla is reachable. it has a busy state and an
      error stage, once the version check completed once the page is marked
      inappropriate and would automatically skip ahead as necessary.
      the `appropriate` value specifically allows kassistantdialog to ignore
      the page when skipping forward/backward effectively hiding the page from
      the user.
    - for purposes of controlling its own appropriateness the KPageWidgetItem
      of this new page is controlled by the page itself, a design which
      IMO should be also adopted for the other pages
    - for visual consistency with plasma a qml busyindicator is used on the
      page. also looks nicer than the ksquencepixmap thingy
    The result of this is that upon startup of the dialog, the version page
    is created (albeit not visible) and issues a version check. When that
    returns the page turns itself inappropriate (and skips ahead if necessary).
    Ideally this means the user never sees the page, unless there is an error
    in which case the page will block progressing to actually submit the
    error to bugzilla. At the same time the user can choose to go back to the
    backtrace page to manually grab it and file a bug in the event that
    drkonqi cannot get beyond the version page.
    BUG: 373099
    BUG: 354292
    FIXED-IN: 5.17.0
    CHANGELOG: Contact to drkonqi is now more reliably verified and the login button enabled when possible
    Test Plan:
    - slow internet results in page to show up
    - errors result in page to go into error state
    - fast internet lets the page not show up
    - retry button retries when there was an error on first try
    - page switches between states correctly
    Reviewers: #plasma, apol
    Reviewed By: apol
    Subscribers: broulik, plasma-devel
    Tags: #plasma
    Differential Revision: