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plugins/sqlite: Skipping insert/update when m_blockAll or m_whatToRemember==NoApplications

Adding an if-statement in both saveResourceTitle and saveResourceMimetype to skip inserting/updating the sqlite database (ResourceInfo table) if the user has configured kamd/recentFiles with "Do not remember".


Ensure we are in "Do not remember":

$ grep what ~/.config/kactivitymanagerd-pluginsrc 

Build and replace the kamd:

src/kdesrc-build/kdesrc-build kactivitymanagerd --no-include-dependencies --no-src \
&& sqlite3 ~/.local/share/kactivitymanagerd/resources/database 'delete from ResourceInfo;' \
&& sqlite3 ~/.local/share/kactivitymanagerd/resources/database 'select * from ResourceInfo;' \
&& systemctl --user disable --now plasma-kactivitymanagerd \
&& build/kactivitymanagerd/bin/kactivitymanagerd 

Once the above is running, in another terminal:

  1. Must be empty: sqlite3 ~/.local/share/kactivitymanagerd/resources/database 'select * from ResourceInfo;'
  2. Open some file in dolphin
  3. Must be empty: sqlite3 ~/.local/share/kactivitymanagerd/resources/database 'select * from ResourceInfo;'

Repeated the above with what-to-remember 0 / 1 values and made sure that entries are still being added to the database.

(restore with systemctl --user enable --now plasma-kactivitymanagerd)

BUG: 397487

Edited by Andreas Bontozoglou

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