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Complement concept of primary output with priorities order

ivan tkachenko requested to merge work/ratijas/priorities-unstable into master

Port and adapt to changes in libkscreen. Adjusted config serialization format, KCM UI/UX, and generator's logic.

New KCM UI: frameworks/kirigami!843 (comment 571485)

Reordering list could use some drag & drop, but the original model isn't usable for that as is, and sort-filter-proxy seems to not be emitting "rows moved" signal as it should, so I didn't bother implementing custom crafted model on top of existing one. For ≤2 outputs case it might make sense to present old UI with a "primary" checkbox, except that checkbox was never a good fit for this job (it can't be unchecked, but if you manage to — here be dragons).

See also: libkscreen!91 (merged)

See also: plasma-workspace#52 (closed)

Edited by Matej Starc

Merge request reports