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  • Martin Flöser's avatar
    [server] Don't assert when destroying a still referenced BufferInterface · c369a33d
    Martin Flöser authored
    The fact that the buffer is still referenced - that is used - when the
    BufferInterface gets destroyed is an error, but it is not fatal.
    Unfortunately KWin/Wayland is still hitting this assert from time to
    time and the assert is not helping to find the cause as a backtrace
    does not show where a reference is still hold.
    This change removes the hard assert by a soft warning. The advantage
    of the warning is that the compositor is not killed and that we can
    observe the reason and find a usage pattern which triggers the condition.
    With that we will hopefully be able to find the case where the buffer
    is still referenced when being destroyed and fix that.
    Reviewers: #plasma_on_wayland
    Differential Revision: