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  • Martin Flöser's avatar
    Initial import of support for new KDecoration2 based decorations · 0030eb7f
    Martin Flöser authored
    NOTE: this is not working completely yet, lots of code is still ifdefed
    other parts are still broken.
    The main difference for the new decoration API is that it is neither
    QWidget nor QWindow based. It's just a QObject which processes input
    events and has a paint method to render the decoration. This means all
    the workarounds for the QWidget interception are removed. Also the paint
    redirector is removed. Instead each compositor has now its own renderer
    which can be optimized for the specific case. E.g. the OpenGL compositor
    renders to a scratch image which gets copied into the combined texture,
    the XRender compositor copies into the XPixmaps.
    Input events are also changed. The events are composed into QMouseEvents
    and passed through the decoration, which might accept them. If they are
    not accpted we assume that it's a press on the decoration area allowing
    us to resize/move the window. Input events are not completely working
    yet, e.g. wheel events are not yet processed and double click on deco
    is not yet working.
    Overall KDecoration2 is way more stateful and KWin core needs more
    adjustments for it. E.g. borders are allowed to be disabled at any time.