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  • Vlad Zahorodnii's avatar
    Decouple window pixmaps from scene windows · 0f2f69ad
    Vlad Zahorodnii authored
    One of the scene redesign goals is to make wayland surface items
    re-usable. So we have the same rendering path for drag-and-drop icons,
    software cursors, and window surfaces.
    The biggest issue at the moment is that window pixmaps are tightly
    coupled with scene windows.
    This change de-couples window pixmaps from scene windows. In order to
    achieve that, some architecture changes were made.
    The WindowPixmap class was replaced with the SurfacePixmap class. A
    surface pixmap is created by a surface item.
    Under the hood, a SurfacePixmap will create a PlatformSurfaceTexture
    object, which contains all the information necessary for the renderer.
    The SceneOpenGLTexture class was removed. However, the GLX and the EGL
    on X11 backends still mess with GLTexture's internals.