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  • David Edmundson's avatar
    [kcmkwin/kwindecoration] Fix save of theme name · 14b827da
    David Edmundson authored
    If a user saves a decoration that has a plugin but no theme we currently
    delete the entry saving just the plugin/library.
    This is an issue as on load we call:
        const QString plugin = config.readEntry("library", s_defaultPlugin);
        const QString theme = config.readEntry("theme", s_defaultTheme);
    That would give us a non-default library with the default theme name,
    which would be invalid.
    If compiled with Breeze s_defaultTheme is blank so this ends up being
    effectively the same thing. In the normal case it will neither break
    nor fix anything.
    Test Plan:
    Just happened to see it when doing a code review.
    Reviewers: #kwin, vpilo
    Reviewed By: vpilo
    Subscribers: kwin
    Tags: #kwin
    Differential Revision: