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  • Nate Graham's avatar
    Change global shortcuts to use the Meta key by default · 529c3c29
    Nate Graham authored
    The current shortcuts could conceivably override app shortcuts, since
    they don't use the Meta key. The following changes are made:
    Switch keyboard layout:               Ctrl+Alt+K   -> Meta+Alt+K
    Activate window that wants attention: Ctrl+Alt+A   -> Meta+Ctrl+A
    Kill Window:                          Ctrl+Alt+Esc -> Meta+Ctrl+Esc
    These are safe to change in the code rather than adding new ones and
    keeping the old ones around for compatibility's sake because
    KGlobalAccel::setDefaultShortcuts by default preserves old shortcuts
    when they are changed, and we aren't overriding that behavior here. So
    only new installs will get the new shortcuts and existing user installs
    will be untouched.