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  • David Edmundson's avatar
    [wayland] Keep application startup flow inside main_wayland · 5e902394
    David Edmundson authored
    In a recent patch the newly added xwayland class ended up being
    responsible for continuing the startup, calling back into the main app
    to spawn the workspace.
    It moves the flow of startup about so it's not very readable or
    following class structure.
    This patch moves the code back into main_wayland and removes the
    duplication between xwayland and non-xwayland modes.
    There was also a misnaming of methods.
    continueStartupWithScreens was called after platform screens are created
    continueStartupWithScene was called after the scene was created
    continueStartupWithXwayland was called before xwayland is created
    This was confusing, so the names have been shuffled around to follow a
    consistent pattern of what has been done so far.
    Test Plan:
    Started kwin_wayland in normal and xwayland mode
    Ran unit tests (though some failed due to a local unrelated and as yet unindentified bug)
    Reviewers: #kwin, romangg
    Reviewed By: #kwin, roman...