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  • Vlad Zahorodnii's avatar
    backends/drm: Make drm backend not touch output configuration if all outputs are disabled · 7d007666
    Vlad Zahorodnii authored
    This behavior was added in order to fix a crash reported in bug report
    442990. However, the analysis was not 100% correct, kwin failed to
    create a placeholder because the relevant check was incorrect. The drm
    backend was checking the list of all connected outputs rather than the
    list with enabled outputs to decide whether to create a placeholder output.
    As a safety measure the proposed behavior makes sense, however the drm
    backend is not the right layer to implement it. If the last enabled
    output is disconnected, kscreen should view it as a new output
    setup and re-enable outputs in order to ask user what desired output
    configuration should be.