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  • Vlad Zahorodnii's avatar
    Consider only windows on current desktop when snapping them · 9962a9fe
    Vlad Zahorodnii authored
    If a window is on several desktops, AbstractClient::desktop() will
    return the id of the last desktop.
    For example, if a window is on virtual desktops A and B, the desktop()
    function will return the id of desktop B. This can be the culprit for
    bugs such as window snapping not working as expected when moving a
    window on virtual desktop A, e.g.
    - moved window is on desktops A, and C. desktop() returns the id of C
    - snap candidate (l) is on desktops A, and B. desktop() returns the id
      of B
    Even though the snap candidate window and the moved window are both on
    the same desktop (A), the moved window won't be snapped because the
    desktop() function returns garbage values.
    To fix that, the workspace needs to check whether the window is on the
    current desktop.
    For what it's worth, that's also how the workspace handles windows being
    on multiple activities.