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  • David Edmundson's avatar
    [plastik] Disable problematic text hints · 39798bff
    David Edmundson authored
    Use of "style: Text.Raised" combined with UTF-8 emoji characters
    currently crashes deep in font rendering code.
    A report has been submitted upstream:
    Given this crash is surprisingly common, this patch removes the text
    shadow. I normally would be against removing features, but this was a
    subtle effect anyway and frankly just made things look blurry. I doubt
    it'll be missed.
    BUG: 417699
    BUG: 413179
    Test Plan:
    Made unit test for the crash in qmlscene
    Fixed the issue there
    Reviewers: #kwin, zzag
    Reviewed By: #kwin, zzag
    Subscribers: kwin
    Tags: #kwin
    Differential Revision: