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  • Martin Flöser's avatar
    Reset last_active_client when a ShellClient is removed · bd158a63
    Martin Flöser authored
    The last_active_client is set when an AbstractClient gets activated. For
    the X11 case the last_active_client was getting reset to nullptr when
    the last_active_client gets destroyed. But for the ShellClient that did
    not yet happen. This could result in a crash.
    This change addresses the problem and adds a test case which triggered
    the crash. The condition of the crash are difficult to generate though -
    it took me about an hour to write the test for the crash.
    1. Wayland client must be active
    2. Explicit focus to null (no active client)
    3. destroy Wayland window
    4. X11 client which sets focus on itself without interaction with window
    Test Plan: test case no longer crashes
    Reviewers: #kwin, #plasma
    Subscribers: plasma-devel, kwin
    Tags: #kwin
    Differential Revision: