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  • Vlad Zahorodnii's avatar
    effects/overview: Use out cubic easing curve consistently · bdc7ee64
    Vlad Zahorodnii authored
    The intro and the outro animations are very short and they usually
    affect all windows on the screen. Windows have to travel a lot and in
    very short time, this doesn't look.
    Similar to other windows, this change makes the overview effect use the
    out cubic curve for window movements (even though the HIG suggests us
    using the InOutCubic easing curve). That way, user will look at
    flatter parts of the easing curve more, i.e. the windows would move less
    chaotically and simply jump to their target position.
    Similar to the WindowHeap, this change makes the overview effect use the
    out cubic everywhere else so the intro and the outro animations look
    Another advantage of the OutCubic easing curve is that it makes the
    overview effect look more responsive and subtle.