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  • Vlad Zahorodnii's avatar
    Don't crash when highlighted tabbox client is closed · c438ecbb
    Vlad Zahorodnii authored
    The compositor tries to switch to the next tabbox client when currently
    highlighted client is closed. Though there is a small issue with that.
    Because the switch happens too late, a dangling pointer can be inserted
    into the unconstrained stacking order, which can lead to a crash later on.
    There are two cases:
    - compositing is on;
    - compositing is off.
    Compositing is on: TabBox will try to un-elevate currently highlighted
    client, though by that time the client no longer owns EffectWindow, so
    this is basically a no-op (that's why we haven't experienced this bug
    Compositing is off: TabBox will try to restack currently hightlighted
    client under the next tabbox client. Given that the restack method
    doesn't do any sanity checks(see Client::manage why), a client that is
    about to be destroyed will be re-inserted back into the unconstrained
    stacking order.
    This change ensures that the switch happens before currently highlighted
    client is removed from the stacking order.
    BUG: 406784
    Test Plan:
    - Turn off compositing;
    - Follow steps to reproduce in the bug report (see comment 2).
    Reviewers: #kwin, davidedmundson
    Reviewed By: #kwin, davidedmundson
    Subscribers: kwin
    Tags: #kwin
    Differential Revision: