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  • Valerio Pilo's avatar
    [kcmkwin/kwindecoration] Fix visuals of KCM decorations' buttons tab · e6c06801
    Valerio Pilo authored
    BUG: 346222
    BUG: 399992
    BUG: 356076
    FIXED-IN: 5.15
    The QML changes make the tab look and feel less awful:
    * make the fake window borders stand out less
    * add margins to drop area to make it easier to drop buttons on the title bar (fixing 346222)
    * change cursor to a non-pointing one [1]
    [1] Drag&drop: When dropping, we receive the position of the button being dropped,
    not of the cursor. The two can be far (when starting drag by moving the cursor fast):
    which makes the whole experience very confusing, as the user means to drop at cursor location.
    Test Plan: Tested drag/drop: same (messy) behavior as before, but can now drop more loosely around titlebar items
    Reviewers: #vdg, #kwin, ngraham
    Reviewed By: #vdg, ngraham
    Subscribers: davidedmundson, ngraham, kwin
    Tags: #kwin
    Differential Revision: