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  • Vlad Zahorodnii's avatar
    Change default latency policy to "Force smoothest animations" · cf583aa3
    Vlad Zahorodnii authored and Nate Graham's avatar Nate Graham committed
    There are some performance differences between X11 and Wayland. Desktop
    systems are mostly unaffected by them, but laptops suffer a bit.
    On Wayland, kwin always does double buffering. This is great for
    reducing latency and avoiding tearing, but if the gpu can't keep up with
    the work, you're going to see stuttering.
    Another issue is that in order to reduce latency, we need to have very
    good frame stats. At the moment, kwin records only cpu render time, but
    we also need to record the gpu time. We've already done some work in
    this area, but it's most likely Plasma 6 material. (!1163)
    In the meantime, let's change the default latency policy to "Force
    smoother animations." It's going to improve frame rate. If people care
    about latency, they can change latency policy in system settings; the
    option is still there.
    CCBUG: 452119