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  • Vlad Zahorodnii's avatar
    wayland: Fix initialization of dmabuf textures · f247e35c
    Vlad Zahorodnii authored
    Commit e459c8bf added a sanity check to
    prevent recomputing the texture matrix if the y-inverted hint hasn't been
    changed, which is totally reasonable!
    However, code that initializes dmabuf textures implicitly assumes that
    calling setYInverted() always results in updating the matrix. But it may
    be not the case if the passed value matches current isYInverted().
    This change adds missing calls to force updating the texture matrix.
    Note that we don't need to check the buffer size every time the dmabuf
    image has been modified externally because the window pixmap is going to
    be re-created if the dimensions of the attached buffer have changed.
    I've seen some reports on the internet about Firefox displaying garbage
    instead of videos. 99% that bug is caused by this issue. But it seems
    like Firefox no longer displays corrupted videos on my machine, so it's
    hard to tell.