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  • Martin Flöser's avatar
    [autotest] Try to make TestWaylandOutputDevice a little bit more robust · f99492a6
    Martin Flöser authored
    From time to time the test is failing on with an ASAN
    heap-use-after-free error. From my investigation this seems to be caused
    by the OutputDevice being constructed on the stack and being destroyed
    while handling Wayland events, but before all are handled.
    The test mostly operates on the changed signal. There is also a done
    signal emitted later on. Wayland sends the done after a set of changes
    is transmitted. Thus the test is adjusted to wait for done instead of
    changed. So we can ensure that all events are handled before the object
    gets destroyed.
    I have never been able to reproduce the problem locally, so I cannot
    guarantee that the issue is solved for good. If it still happens more
    investigation will be needed.