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  • Martin Flöser's avatar
    Add button to dynamically resize virtual keyboard · fa4f123f
    Martin Flöser authored
    One of the things I dislike most about our virtual keyboard integration
    is it's size. It's at least on my system covering too much vertical
    space. Unfortuantely the keyboard API does not offer a way to control
    the vertical space - one can only control the width. Thus it's also not
    possible to just provide the keyboard in the optimal size.
    This change tries to address the problem by adding a resize button. When
    pressed one can dynamically decrease and increase the width of the
    keyboard and thus also the height.
    The button is added to the top/right corner. Ideally it would be added
    to the symbol button row, but either I couldn't find the appropriate API
    hooks or it's not possible.
    Test Plan: Started KWin with the change and tested with touch input
    Reviewers: #kwin
    Subscribers: kwin
    Tags: #kwin
    Differential Revision: