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effects/blur: Ignore xshape region

Vlad Zahorodnii requested to merge work/effects-blur-shape into master

EffectWindow::shape() doesn't fit the item based design. This change ports the blur effect away from the shape() function to the rect() function. The XShape extension was introduced when windows with an alpha channel wasn't really a thing. Setting a shape served as a way to clip a window, the most notable example is xeyes.

If an application relies on the xshape extension to actually clip the window and not to force the window manager not to put the server-side deco, it most likely doesn't support translucency and therefore it shouldn't set the blur region to begin with.

This change makes the blur effect ignore the xshape region similar to the background contrast effect. It allows us to decouple a bit more effects from the rest of rendering machinery and thus make it easier for us to move forward with the scene redesign goal.

Merge request reports