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Transfer ownership of Xwayland socket creation and Xauthority to the wrapper

David Edmundson requested to merge work/xwl_socket_in_helper into master

This way if kwin_wayland crashes we don't need to ensure that new environment variables need to get synced across the new env.

This fixes an issue where spawning an xwayland application from a wayland window that survives a crash would fail.

By moving the logic here we no longer need to wait for kwin_wayland to start before starting plasmashell or even ksmserver as all environment variables are set. As long as the wrapper is ready we can continue starting and clients will just block on connect.

That should still allow for both a lot of optimisations both for speed and cleaning up the startplasma-wayland scripts.

This will be addressed in follow up patches.

Use of kwin_wayland directly with xwayland is still supported for testing.

Merge request reports