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wayland: Fix cross cursor in Xwayland apps

Vlad Zahorodnii requested to merge work/zzag/x11-xcb-cursor-t into master

Startup code in plasmashell was changed so xsetroot is not called anymore, which is sort of fine.

Unfortunately (or not?), it exposed a bug in kwin. Cursor::x11Cursor() only works in the standalone X11 session.

On Wayland, Cursor::x11Cursor() will return XCB_NONE which results in seeing cross cursor when there should be arrow cursor.

This change moves xcb_cursor_t look up code from X11Cursor to the base Cursor class. In hindsight, I would like to introduce a window manager class where the xcb cursor and other x11 specific code can be moved in the future for better encapsulation of platform-specific code.

BUG: 442539

Merge request reports