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autotests: Use a shared library for the integration test framework

Arjen Hiemstra requested to merge work/ahiemstra/reducetestsize into master

Ever since the effects were changed to static, each test of the integration tests includes all the effects. The result of this is that when doing a debug build each test is now 60MiB or more. With the amount of tests, this results in ~8 GiB of diskspace used just for KWin's binary output directory, which is rather excessive.

Since the tests all share a common framework library, we can change that library to a shared library and that way avoid linking all the effects into each test. The end result is that we now have a binary output directory that takes ~500MiB.

Most of this is shuffling around some link libraries in the integration test CMakeLists, however, I needed to export the Xwayland class as it is used by one of the tests but wasn't exported.

Edited by Arjen Hiemstra

Merge request reports