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scenes/opengl: Move copying front buffer to back buffer to X11 specific code

Vlad Zahorodnii requested to merge work/zzag/x11-copy-pixels into master

On X11, if buffer age is unsupported, kwin can do some quirks like copying parts of the front buffer to back buffer to avoid repainting the whole screen.

Currently, the copying is performed in the opengl scene, which is not perfect because it makes the scene responsible not only for painting the scene but also some low level platform specific shenanigans.

This change moves the copying step to the glx and egl backends. It simplifies the opengl scene, makes it less overloaded and more open to changes, but it also duplicates code, which is not ideal. However, given the de-facto deprecated state of the X11 platform, it's sort of acceptable as the main focus is now on wayland session and the things that are needed to make it fly as expected.

Merge request reports
