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Add uninstall button for kwin scripts

Alexander Lohnau requested to merge work/kwin_scripts_uninstall into master

As in the bug report stated an uninstall button is wanted. If the script was installed using KNS the user can still remove it from there, but it is definitely more convenient this way.

But considering that we provide a manual installation button we should also add a delete button. IMO it makes not so much sense if the users can install it graphically using the KCM but have to hop into the terminal to remove it.

Also we are recommending that the users check what they are about to install, so a common workflow would be to download the file, have a look at it and then install it. In that case KNS would not offer the uninstall option and would mark the entry as installable.


BUG: 315829
FIXED-IN: 5.20

@ngraham @leinir @broulik

Edited by Alexander Lohnau

Merge request reports