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TabBox: Fix loading a different switcher after one has failed

Ismael Asensio requested to merge work/iasensio/tabbox-reset-fix into master

We need to reset the QML Item on failure or trying to load a different switcher afterwards will pick a wrong codepath and also fail.

BUG: 445455 FIXED-IN: 5.25.4

This might be a bit of an edge case bug, but it can be frustrating for users downloading failing switchers from the store (or if you're working on tabbox switchers :D)

Test Steps:

  1. Open the "Task Switcher" settings page
  2. Load a failing switcher (for instance, downloading a non up-to-date one from the store like "Windows Wall")
  3. Apply
  4. Alt-Tab and see how it notifies it's failing to load
  5. Load a working switcher that you haven't used yet in this kwin session (Big Icons, ...)
  6. Apply and Alt-Tab

Without the MR, this second switcher will also fail to load.

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