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window: Create palette only when needed

Kai Uwe Broulik requested to merge work/kbrouli/window-palette-on-demand into master

Creating a DecorationPalete (e.g. the KColorScheme inside) is relatively expensive. Currently, this is done once a client is mapped, regardless of whether it actually has a server-side decoration.

This change makes it create the palette only when it is actually used, e.g. the window indeed has a server-side decoration or when the user actions menu is invoked.

Verified that:

  • No decoration palette is created at all when only client-side-decorated / undecorated windows are created
  • Decoration color scheme is correct (both default and when started with custom scheme)
  • Changing decoration color scheme in the application (e.g. KWrite Settings → Window Color Scheme) is reflected immediately
  • User actions menu has the correct color scheme, both when using server-side and client-side decoration

Kai Uwe Broulik on behalf of MBition GmbH

Merge request reports