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autotests: Reduce execution time of testLockScreen

Vlad Zahorodnii requested to merge work/zzag/lockscreen-less-execution-time into master

testLockScreen uses !eventSpy.wait() expression to check whether the given signal is emitted. QSignalSpy::wait()'s default timeout is 5s, which is too much. We don't need to wait that much, in fact, even wl_display_sync() would suffice. In either case, let's pass explicit timeout of 10ms which should be good enough.


Executed in   60.49 secs    fish           external
   usr time    3.92 secs    1.03 millis    3.92 secs
   sys time    2.29 secs    0.16 millis    2.29 secs


Executed in   19.38 secs    fish           external
   usr time    1.64 secs  347.00 micros    1.64 secs
   sys time    1.15 secs   54.00 micros    1.15 secs

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