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window: Replay move window action if window isn't movable

Kai Uwe Broulik requested to merge work/kbroulik/replay-alt-window-move into master

Otherwise, when using Alt as modifier for moving windows, the tabbox window cannot be clicked because Alt is held down during Alt+Tab, which would try to initiate a window move but the window isn't actually movable, so ends up doing nothing.

It also allows to interact with Plasma popups, which are also immovable, while the modified key is pressed.

I can interact with my tabbox via the mouse again on Wayland (I continue to use Alt as modifier for moving windows)

Wonder if we should instead special case this for the tabbox somehow, since now if I try to move e.g. a context menu, which I obviously can’t, I will inevitably trigger a random action.

Merge request reports