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backends/drm: add brightness metadata overrides and sdr gamut wideness setting

Xaver Hugl requested to merge work/zamundaaa/more-hdr-settings into master

The brightness overrides are for displays with missing or broken brightness data in their EDID, and allow the user to work around those displays. In the future we could also offer an HDR calibration process that allows determining the correct brightness values for the screen.

The gamut wideness setting allows the user to tweak what gamut KWin assumes sRGB applications to have. This is useful for working around the gamut mapping displays do, which make sRGB content look washed out, and also to allow users to make colors of sRGB apps look more saturated if they wish to.

Together with kscreen!258 (merged) this allows me to configure my screen to look what I'd consider "correct" / the same as in SDR mode.

Depends on libraries/plasma-wayland-protocols!66 (merged).

Edited by Xaver Hugl

Merge request reports