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kcms: Port away from SwipeListItem to ItemDelegate

Ismael Asensio requested to merge work/iasensio/port-swipelistitem into master

Let's port the remaining uses to the upstream simpler alternative ItemDelegate, which provides a consistent styling and fixes some issues such as the background and highlighting.

This affects the rules, efects and virtual desktops KCMs.

Considering a visual bugfix because the background color is broken for almost any colorscheme (besides Breeze Light without tint)

BEFORE SwipeListItem AFTER ItemDelegate
Desktop Effects kcms-swipelistitem-effects kcms-itemdelegate-effects
Virtual Desktops kcms-swipelistitem-vds kcms-itemdelegate-vds
Window Rules kcms-swipelistitem-rules kcms-itemdelegate-rules

See teams/vdg/issues#34 (closed)

Merge request reports