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Apply Initially as default value of new Properties

SUMMARY: Change the default value from "Do Not Affect" to "Apply Initially" when adding new properties in Window Rules.

REASON: prior "Do Not Affect" as default and occasionally I forget to change the setting to something else when adding new properties. Unfortunately, this means I forget to do it and so it isn't saved when I close the window. I will then go back in to change it to Apply Initially or in some cases have to add the new property again as it wasn't saved in the set. (this occurs with the Size property)

I think if Apply Initially were to be the default it would be an easier and faster experience to add new properties.

Note: I am not a developer so I don't know if this change actually works as I intended it to because all I did was change the order in the list because it seems as that is how it is controlled but I might have got that wrong.

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