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Raise target mobile device DPI

Nate Graham requested to merge ngraham/kwin:raise-target-mobiledevice-dpi into master

A target mobile DPI of 135 is rather low and results in excessively large scale factors, so everything is too big.. Let's raise it a little bit to improve the default level of information density on these devices that are designed to be held close to the face.

This has the effect of changing the calculated default scale factor for the following devices:

Device Device DPI Old scale factor New scale factor
Steam Deck 204 1.5 1.25
PinePhone 268 2.0 1.75
OnePlus 388 3.0 2.5

Devices are taken from the autotest data found at, which I could not find in KWin. Was the autotest not migrated a long with the logic when this was moved from KScreen? Or have I just missed it?

Vendors of course remain free to override these auto-calculates default scale factors on their devices.

Merge request reports