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Draft: WIP: Drop kwin_wayland_wrapper and replace with native systemd FD store

David Edmundson requested to merge work/d_ed/systemd_all_in into master

We used a small helper to keep FDs alive whilst kwin restarted. This worked greated, but we have some newer requirements. We need our storage of FDs to be dynamic to handle security contexts, we also want to rethink X11 startup so the connection itself can persist.

Given we need a refactor we can look at using system'd fdstore directly as that provides an IPC to add and remove file descriptors. The challenge is that not only do we need to persist FDs, but also re-create every socket on the filesystem in the same place using the same listen FD. There are also lock files that need special handling.

See #210

Logout and the non-systemd boot also needs a slight change as it references the wrapper Milestone would be 6.3 at this point. Uploading in an existing messy state, it's not ready for a code-review.

Edited by David Edmundson

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