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XrandR: Fix impossibilty to change resolution in VirtualBox

Ilya Pominov requested to merge ipominov/libkscreen:fix_vb_hotplug into master

In VirtualBox KDE runs at low resolution, and when you try to change the resolution through the "Screen Settings" it returns to the original one again. How to check:

  • run KDE neon on VirtualBox
  • change the resolution

VirtualBox sets the hotplug_mode_update property, but its preferred mode is always 800x600, and KScreen returns the resolution to 800x600.

Now XRandRCrtc stores the timestamp of the last resolution change request from backend, and the timestamp of the last config update from X11. If the changes were initiated by XRandR backend (i.e. 'timestamp of the last config update from X11' less or equal 'last resolution change request'), then the followPreferedMode flag in KScreenConfig is set to false.

BUG: 407058

Edited by Ilya Pominov

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